
TotalWing Awards 2024

12th December 2024

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It’s that time of year again! Time to look back on 2024 and celebrate all those involved in our sport this year. Time to take part in the TotalWing Awards 2024! Riders, brands, and events compete in our friendly poll, which will reward your favorites of the year 2024 in the following 8 categories: female rider, male rider, content creator, wing brand, wing board brand, foil brand, wing accessory and event. Vote, and share as much as possible to make win your favorites!

End of voting in a month, on January 12, 2024 at midnight French time, poll results will be masked in the final days to maintain suspense. Announcement of the winners the following week! Please be fair in your ways of voting, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for always more wingfoil news and wing content!

The nominees were chosen on the basis of their 2024 performance on the two world circuits and major competitions (Top 10 in GWA Surf-Freestyle, Freefly-Slalom and Wingfoil Racing, Top 5 in GWA Wave and Big Air, DĂ©fi Wing podiums), their influence on social medias and on wing spots, and their results at the 2023 Awards. Unless there is a major omission, we will not be adding riders to the Favorite Male and Female Riders categories, but we are open to adding nominees to other categories, in the first two weeks, if requested and relevant.

About the Author

Laurie Montagner

From SUP Racing to wing foiling, through windsurfing, wakesurfing and surfing, you will always find Laurie somewhere in the South-West of France. Passionate about watersports, Laurie spends her time surfing, whether on the wave... or online! Laurie is indeed a specialist in social media marketing and web development, from writing lines of code to making professional videos. Very much a competitor, you've probably already met her on one of the SUP and wing events all over France!

To follow Laurie:

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